Brian Sims

IFPO UK and Ireland launches e-Learning collaboration with Nuology

IFPO UK and Ireland has unveiled the detail behind a groundbreaking new e-Learning partnership forged with Nuology in a determined bid to help raise standards across the industry in key areas.

For over 30 years now, the International Foundation for Protection Officers (IFPO) has been developing and promoting education programmes designed to support front line security officers in enhancing their skills and career opportunities, among them the internationally recognised Certified Protection Officer (CPO) and the Certified in Security Supervision Management (CSSM) certifications.

With the support of new partner organisation Nuology, the organisation has been able to identify some specific skill-focused areas where current training has either been difficult to access or otherwise simply unavailable.

Mike Hurst CPP MSyI FREC, director of IFPO UK and Ireland, informed Security Matters: “We know that it’s important for us to support our members and, indeed, the sector as a whole. We’re determined to fill these gaps in knowledge and capability and commit to a programme of ongoing development. Equally important is that the learning made available is of a high quality and engaging for participants.”

Nuology representative Claire Humble observed: “The reason Nuology exists is to help raise standards across our industry, properly support security personnel to become the best they can be and to help improve the reputations of the companies and leaders who employ them.”

Further, Humble stated: “Collaborating with IFPO means that our courses are quality assured for their audience and, even more importantly, filling gaps we’ve jointly identified. It’s so exciting to be launching something everyone agrees is urgently needed.”

Interactive e-Learning

Nuology specialises in interactive and enjoyable eLearning that’s accessible anywhere and at any time. The content, details of which will be announced shortly, will be bite-size in nature and designed to fit in with budgets and tight work schedules.

Importantly, the content will be ideal for security personnel new to the sector or those members of staff looking to attain new skills or to refresh key areas of their knowledge.

An initial six courses will be made available from Monday 12 July with regular releases for subscribers. Teams will also be able to access one-off courses to ‘skill up’ in specific areas.

The flagship course in the initial offering will be an Introduction to the Security Sector written by Humble, an IFPO member and former assistant director of security, safety and facilities at Teesside University where she and her team won awards for transformational change.

Further research into the new offer has been undertaken by experienced IFPO UK and Ireland members including Chris Middleton Dip ML MSyI, Mike Lees CSyP, Mike Hurst CPP MSyI FREC, Russell Emerson, Dr Peter Stiernstedt CPP CISSM, Garry Bergin PC MSc CPP CPOI FSyI F.ISRM and Nicholas Reed FSyI F.ISRM S.IIRSM MIFPO TechIOSH.

Enhancing career potential

IFPO is a not-for-profit professional membership association which provides professional learning opportunities for security practitioners to impart the knowledge, skills and competencies required to maximise job performance and enhance career potential.

The organisation was established in 1988 in Canada by Ron Minion, a former member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and owner of a large Canadian contract business. He served as executive director until 1992, when he was succeeded by Sandi Davies (who has held that office since then).

IFPO has members in 68 countries, while security professionals in 56 countries study by way of its educational programmes.   

IFPO UK and Ireland was launched in July last year. Director Mike Hurst CPP MSyI FREC is supported by an Advisory Board of experienced security professionals which includes Brian Sims BA (Hons) Hon FSyI, Editor of Security Matters.

*Further information on IFPO is available online at

Modernising the security industry

Nuology exists to modernise the safety, security and well-being industry because the UK has “fallen behind” in what is now an increasingly global market. Standing still only leads to further decline.

Through innovative approaches towards training, e-Learning, coaching and culture and service transformation, the Nuology team is an ideal ‘Sherpa’ for the journey. It’s a familiar path for the organisation’s founders who’ve been at the forefront of safety, security and technology for decades on a collective basis.

*Further information about Nuology is available online at

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