Brian Sims

VPS Group confirms acquisition of Nexus National Security Network

VPS GROUP, the vacant property protection solutions specialist, has con­firmed the acqui­si­tion of outsourcing expert the Nexus Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Net­work, the business founded back in 2011 and offering a range of security options for customers, among them mobile patrols and static guarding.

The VPS Group currently looks after £3.5 billion worth of prop­er­ties across the con­ti­nent that are vacant and void within both the res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial sectors, as well as for the con­struc­tion and infra­struc­ture markets.

For its part, Nexus “rev­o­lu­tionised” the pro­vi­sion of key­ hold­ing out­sourc­ing here in the UK. Through its bespoke Link ( Soft­ware-as-a-Ser­vice plat­form, Nexus has now han­dled over one mil­lion respons­es, all the while making effective use of its high­ly skilled and accred­it­ed sup­ply chain net­work of partner organisations.

The acqui­si­tion offers the potential for growth for both busi­ness­es. Build­ing on their exist­ing brand strengths and rep­u­ta­tions, this move will realise imme­di­ate ben­e­fits for cus­tomers and colleagues alike.

Exciting partnership

Com­ment­ing on the acqui­si­tion, Lee New­man (CEO of the VPS Group) observed: ​“I’m delight­ed that Nexus is join­ing the VPS Group. This is an exciting part­ner­ship whereby cus­tomers will ben­e­fit greatly from an expand­ed and inte­grat­ed secu­ri­ty offer.”

Newman added: “The VPS Group is Europe’s only provider of complete end-to-end tem­po­rary secu­ri­ty. The addi­tion of the Link plat­form for out­sourced secu­ri­ty solu­tions will not only enhance our mar­ket-lead­ing posi­tion, but also accel­er­ate our objectives for com­pa­ny and cus­tomer growth.”

Nexus was seeking a sup­port­ive acqui­si­tion part­ner and an organisation mirroring its own commitment to plac­ing qual­i­ty, cus­tomers and col­leagues at the heart of the operation.

Also commenting on the news of the deal, Marc Stan­ton (man­ag­ing direc­tor at the Nexus Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Net­work) observed: ​“The part­ner­ship with the VPS Group will enable us to flour­ish. Throughout the acquisition process, it was clear just how close­ly aligned the two com­pa­nies are so we feel it’s a real­ly good fit. We’re look­ing for­ward to being an inte­gral element of the new part­nership and con­tin­u­ing to grow and deliv­er for the customers of both Nexus and the VPS Group.”

Found­ing share­hold­er Robert Fry­er com­ment­ed: “We’re very proud of everything that the Nexus Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Net­work has achieved dur­ing our tenure and now look for­ward to watch­ing the com­pa­ny con­tin­ue to flourish.”

Advisors on the acquisition

The VPS Group’s advi­sors for the acqui­si­tion were Giles Den­ni­son and Thomas How­ell at Eversheds Sutherland alongside Richard Aston of KPMG. Nexus was advised by Oaklins and Brabners LLP.

Over recent years, the VPS Group has realised con­tin­ued growth, pur­su­ing a strat­e­gy of solu­tion-led and client-focused devel­op­ment in part­ner­ship with cus­tomers to sup­port the secu­ri­ty needs of the latter. The acqui­si­tion of Nexus is one element of this growth strat­e­gy and the VPS Group is keen to point out that it con­tin­ues to “active­ly con­sid­er” oth­er accre­tive M&A opportunities.

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