Brian Sims
Brian Sims
THE SECURITY Institute’s 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the next event to join the sector’s ‘virtual’ event line-up and is set to take place on Wednesday 21 April. This AGM will recap an eventful year for The Security Institute and will also be the first since Peter Lavery FSyI was elected as the professional membership organisation’s new chair.
Leaders from within The Security Institute will give updates on key areas of growth within the organisation, recapping significant developments as well as looking to the future. Steven McGrath MSyI and Andrew Donaldson MSyI, the new Counter-Terrorism Special Interest Group co-chairs, are due to present an important update on the Institute’s contribution to the UK Government’s Protect Duty consultation.
There will also be a focus on the Institute’s work to help drive the wider security community forward. In 2020, the Inclusive Security Special Interest Group was launched. Co-chairs Anna-Liisa Tampuu ASyI and Lisa Reilly will offer an overview of the Special Interest Group’s efforts over the past few months and outline plans in place to help drive positive change for the wider sector.
In addition, Paul Barnard CSyP MSyI will give an update on the Institute’s ‘Next Generation in Security’ initiative. The past year has been one of great significance for this particular initiative, including the launch of the excellent ‘Secure Futures’ Programme in partnership with the EY Foundation. The latter has provided work experience for 27 young people to gain an insight into the world of security, all of whom graduated on Friday 9 April.
Indeed, Barnard will be joined online by some of the initial ‘Secure Futures’ Programme graduates to discuss their experiences and outline what the security sector can do to help attract young talent to its ranks.
Networking platform
Given that 2020 was a year like no other in recent memory, it makes sense that The Security Institute’s AGM in 2021 will also be somewhat different in format in comparison with times gone by. The meeting will be hosted on a new live virtual event and networking platform that allows members to ‘pull up a chair’ and chat in small groups, with individuals having the ability to move around the virtual space and choose with whom they would like to network on the day.
The Security Institute’s membership engagement manager Jade Lapper observed: “In the last 12 months we’ve held many successful digital events, with one of the highlights being our virtual Annual Conference Week in October. One thing that we haven’t been able to achieve yet is that real-time face-to-face networking that so many of our members long to restore in the wake of the pandemic. The new platform we’re using to host this year’s conference offers a fantastic solution for this, affording all members the chance to not only catch up with those colleagues whom they already know, but also to meet new contacts who all share a like-minded enthusiasm for security.”
Institute members can book to attend this year’s AGM by accessing the following link: https://event.bookitbee.com/31857/210421-security-institute-annual-general-meeting-2
2021 AGM voting process
As well as the event itself being digital, this year’s AGM voting is also taking place online. This year’s election is a significant one for the Institute, as there are currently eight places on the Board of Directors to be selected.
A total of 11 Institute members are standing in the director elections. They are: Tony Aston FSyI, Sarah Austerberry CSyP FSyI, Ian Carter FSyI, Angie Clarke CSyP FSyI, Carl Dakin CSyP FSyI, Rowena Fell FSyI, Bhanu Goud MSyI, Mahbubul Islam CSyP FSyI, Rob Kennedy CSyP FSyI, Ashley Watson MSyI, Paul Wood CSyP FSyI and Richard Woolford CSyP FSyI.
All members eligible to vote (Associates, Members and Fellows including Retired Members) will have received an e-mail on Thursday 1 April with instructions on how they can participate in this year’s voting process. Voting will close during the AGM, with the results announced by the Secretary.