Brian Sims

SRI report examines COVID-19’s impact on security business sector

THE LATEST report from the Security Research Initiative (SRI) has now been published. ‘COVID-19 and the Implications for the Security Sector: What happened and what has been (and is being) learned?’ highlights the fact that 83% of respondents feel ‘security’ performed well during the health crisis.

The aim of the SRI’s work was to better understand what has been learned in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic – the challenges, successes and failings. The report examines the views of security professionals including those working in sectors deemed to be ‘essential’, with its findings unearthed by way of a survey and in-depth interviews.

The 80-page report states that 74% of those individuals surveyed either agree or strongly agree that security professionals have developed new skill sets during the pandemic that will be invaluable going forward. In parallel, 59% feel that security would retain a greater priority within companies than the discipline has perhaps held previously due to a newly held fear in relation to future pandemics.

Further, 55% indicated there are other service functions that stand out more for their achievements than security has done during the pandemic. There’s concern about increases in crime and risk and other challenges such as managing the mental health of workers.

Opportunities are apparent: a majority of respondents stated that they believe demand will increase for some services such as remote monitoring and mobile patrols and also for technology including CCTV and access control. 65% feel the pandemic may hasten a shift towards more technology and less personnel.

69% stated that it was right to expect marked improvements and innovation in security from now on, while 75% of survey respondents suggested that, despite good intentions, the financial constraints likely to follow the pandemic will likely undermine any progress made.

Emerging positives

The report identifies that there are positives to have emerged within very challenging circumstances. As a discipline, security has performed well. It has adapted and shown flexibility. New skills have been learned. Security has been recognised as an ‘essential’.

Just as there are concerns about cutbacks and new risks, there are also opportunities to innovate, show how things can be done differently and highlight that security can step up to meet emerging issues.

The traditional issues faced by security remain. The status of security may have increased during the pandemic, but not necessarily in comparison with other functions. The successes and appreciation for security may start to fade when during the ‘new normal’. It’s crucial that the sector is effective in communicating the truism that the value of security isn’t just to be found in its collective response to a crisis.

Professor Martin Gill CSyP FSyI, director of Perpetuity Research and who led this project, noted: “As we emerge from the pandemic, there will undoubtedly be many challenges, among them financial uncertainty, coming to terms with new ways of working and also potential changes in crime and security risks. Our survey also points to new opportunities, though. Some respondents were positive about what comes next, others less so. Their words should be heeded.”

About the SRI

The SRI is sponsored by the security sector (buyers and suppliers) and involves an annual study. Its reports are made available free of charge in order to provide a more informed information base about the workings of the security sector.

The SRI is supported by leading security associations including ADS, the ASIS UK Chapter, the British Security Industry Association, the International Foundation for Protection Officers and The Security Institute.

*A copy of the report is downloadable from the website at

**The SRI members that sponsored this piece of research were Axis Communications, Bidvest Noonan, Interr, Interserve, M&S, Mitie, the OCS Group, PwC, the Security Industry Authority and Sodexo

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