Brian Sims
Brian Sims
SUPPORTING LOCAL authorities and Public Space Surveillance system operators to combat ever-increasing episodes of fly-tipping, UK manufacturer Vemotion is diligently promoting its range of low latency, ‘plug and play’ live video streaming solutions that can be used to provide highly secure and cost-effective wireless CCTV surveillance for either temporary or fixed camera surveillance monitoring.
Fly-tipping has witnessed significant year-on-year increases in the last decade, a trend underlined by Defra reporting that local councils in England had to deal with 1.13 million fly-tipping incidents in 2020-2021 alone. That represents an increase of 16% over the previous year.
Alongside an unwillingness by some to pay the proper disposal fee to dispose of their waste, the Environmental Services Association confirms that £924 million was spent in 2018-2019 to investigate and clear incidents of fly-tipping.
Providing an effective solution to waste being illegally dumped, Vemotion’s streaming technology deployed within covert or overt surveillance cameras can proactively help to discourage and catch the perpetrators. High-quality images transmitted using Vemotion’s streaming technology, even over limited rural communication networks, can be used to identify and fine offenders and help reduce the scale of environmental crime perpetrated across local authority areas.
Maximising budgets
Vemotion’s wireless video encoders and cameras enable a multitude of remote camera surveillance applications to be deployed beyond the economical reach of existing fixed cable CCTV networks.
Such flexibility allows organisations wanting to maximise their surveillance budgets and efficiency to be more proactive at capturing incidents of fly-tipping (that typically occur beyond the reach of fixed CCTV infrastructure), with Vemotion live and recorded images available to view within a Control Room or by an authorised user with a smart phone.
Further, this means that operatives don’t need to be physically dispatched to retrieve footage from stand-alone recording cameras out in the field. Cost savings on labour time can be realise, while the issuing of fines is simplified and accelerated. All of this delivers a return on investment when it comes to remote CCTV surveillance.
Whereas covert cameras can be deployed in rural applications to catch and prosecute offenders, overt cameras may be employed in more urban settings to deter and reassure the public that the problem is being addressed. Due to the nature of such crime, catching an incident in more rural areas can take time as local authorities often need to wait for an incident to occur in a monitored area. Robust and reliable 24-hour recording and transmission of high-quality images when an incident does occur is absolutely essential.
SIM card savings
Compared to other streaming solutions, Vemotion streaming technology can provide substantial cost of ownership savings as it doesn’t require special SIM cards to operate, such as those with a fixed IP address. In fact, any mobile SIM card can be used to stream the best quality camera images available, allowing CCTV system operators to take advantage of the best performing local network coverage allied to the most economical SIM pricing plans.
Vemotion’s wireless video transmission can automatically transmit the best quality of camera images, but without increasingly costly bandwidth usage. This ability extracts the most efficient use of data from pre-paid SIM cards, yielding substantial cost savings for system operators, with data savings as high as 97% possible. HD picture quality is available at all times.
In the event of poor data connection, Vemotion images can also be stored locally and wirelessly downloaded for analysis at a later date. That being the case, no vital footage is ever lost.
Delivering a range of flexible streaming options, Vemotion live HD video transmission can be used over GPRS, 3G, 4GLTE, 5G, Wi-Fi or Satellite networks, enabling live video surveillance and play-back solutions for any mobile, rapid deployment, temporary or permanent deployment CCTV video surveillance application.
*Further information is available online at