Brian Sims
Brian Sims
THE SECURITY Industry Authority (SIA) has extended the introduction of the updated close protection qualification to 1 April 2022. The new implementation date will allow for full testing of the new skills before they’re introduced.
The SIA will run a pilot in early 2022 with selected training centres. This will enable those delivering the qualification to provide feedback on the new bespoke physical intervention unit and make any required adjustments to the course before it goes live in April next year.
The changes to be introduced by the SIA have been informed by the views of expert stakeholders and reflect extensive research and discussion with the industry, including a public consultation exercise.
Changes to the qualification includes new physical intervention skills for close protection operatives.
The new content will allow the integration arrangement that permits close protection licence holders to work as door supervisors to continue.
The SIA will run a series of webinars for training providers, operatives and the wider industry towards the end of September. These sessions will outline the content added to the new qualification and also provide an overview of the new bespoke physical intervention skills for close protection operatives.