Brian Sims
Brian Sims
QOGNIFY’S VMS+ enhances situational awareness and incident management by combining advanced video surveillance technology with built-in workflow components and other core physical security systems.
VisionHub 6.0 is a VMS+ that enables organisations in critical and highly regulated environments to effectively and efficiently respond to security threats and mitigate the impact of incidents. VisionHub is built around the core of a high-performance video management system (VMS). It centralises, integrates and organises core physical security systems and sensors into a single video-centric interface, providing Control Room operators with heightened situational awareness and powerful incident response management capabilities.
Many operators find themselves overwhelmed and pressurised by the sheer volume of information they’re expected to use in the Control Room. A single incident can require an operator to toggle between real-time data streams from the VMS, access control, video analytics, third party platforms, radio systems and mapping data. With each data source stored in disparate silos, it’s the job of the operator to put the pieces of the puzzle together in order to understand the unfolding situation and take the required action – all of this at a time when every second counts and decisions need to be made and acted upon quickly.
Steve Shine, CEO of Qognify, explained: “In recent years, investment in physical security technology has centred around providing Control Rooms with more and more sources of data, including greater numbers of cameras, systems and sensors. What has been missing is the integration that enables operators to ingest, interpret and act upon these sources of information to improve how security incidents are dealt with.”
Shine added: “This is exactly where VisionHub comes in. It breaks down the data silos, providing the Control Room with a centralised management of its core physical security systems based on a powerful VMS+ platform.”
Single user interface
With core security systems tightly integrated through VisionHub, operators have immediate access to the information they need to make the right decisions and take the right course of action at the right time, all from a single user interface. This is achieved through a combination of pre-defined workflows that guide operators to manage every incident in line with Best Practice and regulatory requirements. On offer is a powerful bi-directional integration that enables operators to take action (eg open or close an access point directly through VisionHub).
Chen Porat, vice-president of R&D at Qognify, explained: “For most organisations, video surveillance is at the heart of their physical security ecosystem. The logical next step in the evolution of the VMS is for it to be a video-centric management platform that peels away the layers of complexity for both operator and administrator.”
Porat concluded: “VisionHub is a next generation VMS+ that enables Control Rooms to realiSe the true potential of their technology investments and the skills of their operators to deliver optimal performance for the organisation when it matters most.”
VisionHub 6.0 is available from Qognify and its global channel partner network.
*Further information is available online at
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