Brian Sims

“Protect Duty must be supportive, not punitive” asserts Figen Murray

FIGEN MURRAY OBE – who tragically lost her son Martyn Hett in the Manchester Arena bombing back in 2017 and has since been the driving force behind The Protect Duty/Martyn’s Law – recently delivered an emotive and inspiring keynote address at the 2023 Secured by Design ATLAS National Training Conference.

Addressing over 200 designing out crime officers and senior police officers from across the UK, Murray produced a heart-wrenching account of the night her son Martyn was killed alongside 21 others in the terrorist attack and the devastating aftermath of that episode. Of course, there was also a keen focus on Murray’s work on seeking tangible changes that can help to ensure no other family has to go through such a terrible ordeal in times hence.

Describing the moment her fight for change began following the tragedy, Murray recalled how she visited a local theatre to attend a music concert some 18 months after the attack, realising to her horror that no security seemed to be in place. “I readied my small handbag for the occasion as I made the assumption that security would be so good at the venue,” said Murray, “particularly so given that the venue was in Manchester where the attack happened. However, my husband produced our tickets and we walked straight in. There were staff present, but nobody checked us and I was really, really shocked. I cried during the concert as this it upset me so much.”

Murray spent the next few weeks racking her brains about what she could do, researched security at public venues and then realised that no legislation existed to keep the public safe.

“Over Christmas, I researched security, but I was a complete layperson, I didn’t know anything about terrorism or security. I came across the Government’s counter-terrorism [ie CONTEST] document and specifically the ‘Protect’ element of it. I realised that the advice contained within amounted only to recommendations. That remains the case to this day. I find that absolutely incredible.”

Launching a petition to put in from of the Government, Murray received over 23,000 signatures. Thanks to the enormous help and support of Nick Aldworth (former chief superintendent with the Metropolitan Police Service), Murray is now in regular discussions with the Government. The finer details of The Protect Duty (ie Martyn’s Law) are now being worked on ahead of it becoming legislation.

Vulnerability assessments

The Protect Duty will require the management teams (and their personnel) responsible for spaces and places to which the public have access to engage with freely available counter-terrorism advice and training, conduct vulnerability assessments, mitigate the risks created by these vulnerabilities and put in place a counter-terrorism plan. There’s also a requirement for local authorities to plan for the threat of terrorism.

“We’ve been working very closely with the Home Office,” continued Murray, who completed a Master’s degree in counter-terrorism to help her gain a sound knowledge base in terms of what exactly was needed form this legislation in order for it to work towards the best possible outcomes. “The team members there have been brilliant and continue to be brilliant.”

Murray went on to state: “The Protect Duty doesn’t advocate a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. Rather, it’s all about having a plan relevant to the threat. It will follow a tiered model linked to the activity that takes place at a given location and its capacity. The Government will establish an inspection and enforcement regime to promote compliance and a positive cultural change, issuing credible and fair sanctions for serious breaches.”

In addition, Murray explained: “What we’re proposing is fairly simple. It’s not rocket science. The Protect Duty shouldn’t be punitive. It should be supporting and guiding the industry.”

According to Murray, the new legislation – when it arrives – isn’t going to stop terrorism. “Nothing can do that, but I do hope that, if the Government legislates then it will mean simple common sense security makes it much harder for terrorists to inflict mass casualties and fewer people will have to suffer what the Manchester victims’ families and friends have had to suffer.”

Powerful words

Guy Ferguson, CEO at Secured by Design, asserted: “Figen’s speech was absolutely fantastic and so powerful. I know a lot of us were struggling emotionally as she gave the speech. It really spoke to us about what it is that we do. That’s what we’re all about. That’s why we do the job that we do. That’s what inspires us going forward. Figen’s words are a very powerful and poignant reminder of why we do what we do.”

Murray was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Salford University in 2022 and has been made a Visiting Fellow of the Institute of Strategic Risk Management.

In recognition of her efforts in relation to the security industry, Murray was bestowed with the Outstanding Contribution Award at the 2020 Counter Terror Awards and currently serves as a member of the senior leadership team for TINYg, the counter-terrorism information network.

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