Brian Sims

LOCKEN provides access management for Scottish Power Networks

SCOTTISH POWER Energy Networks (SPN), a subsidiary of global energy operation the Iberdrola Group, is continuing to build on its partnership with access control solutions provider LOCKEN to secure its vast energy network.

Back in 2018, the company joined forces with LOCKEN to complete the energy industry’s most ambitious access control project to date. Gaining momentum since then, there are now 14,000 electronic locks deployed, including for areas within the new Scottish Power headquarters.

Indeed, Scottish Power’s new St Vincent Street headquarters in Glasgow is the largest single-use office structure to be built in the city for 25 years.

In order to fulfil Scottish Power Energy Networks’ access configuration needs, the contactless smart key solution in use at the premises combines the advantages of a traditional mechanical lock with a state-of-the-art electronic solution. Information is exchanged between the key and the cylinder by magnetic induction, rather than by an electrical contact. This allows almost instantaneous opening of the lock and ensures reliability of the hardware, preventing any risk of contact failure that might be caused by oxidation or perhaps dust lodged in the cylinder.

The solution includes a Bluetooth module, which links to the user’s smart phone via the MyLocken app. It’s capable of offering centralised control and case-by-case, real-time access control, reaching standards of security that are usually only available from online access control systems and significantly boosting compliance with the industry’s applicable security standards.

Nick Dooley, managing director at LOCKEN UK, explained: “It’s great to follow the success of this ongoing roll-out across the Scottish Power Energy Networks infrastructure and to see how it’s continuing to improve the organisation as a result, from realising benefits to Health and Safety procedures for employees and contractors through to compliance with regulations and security standards.”

Dooley also informed Security Matters: “Our solution allows simple, flexible and efficient access management, which has been integrated with Scottish Power Energy Networks’ existing software systems, in turn providing improved operational efficiency and enhanced capabilities.”

*For further information on LOCKEN visit

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