Brian Sims
Brian Sims
HOME SECRETARY Priti Patel has led a discussion with international partners on increasing co-operation to tackle online harms and illegal migration and dismantle the crime gangs exploiting desperate people.
The Home Secretary met with the interior ministers of France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain, alongside representatives of the United States and the EU Commission, at a Virtual G6 Summit.
During the online gathering, the G6 partners agreed to use Interpol more effectively to enhance law enforcement co-operation across the world, discussed the need to do more to tackle illegal migration and focused attentions on the action needed to break up the abhorrent organised crime gangs whose constituent members operate across national boundaries.
The UK’s hosting of the G6 event comes as the UK Government launches landmark changes to fix the UK asylum system and replace it with a new one which is fair but firm.
“I’ve held extensive discussions with my G6 counterparts on the key challenges which affect us all,” explained Patel. “Serious organised criminals cause death and despair by bringing people across Europe and into the UK in unsafe conditions, often in the back of freezing cold lorries or across the channel in small boats. It’s vital that the international community continues to work together to help save lives and break the business model of the crime gangs and people smugglers responsible for perilous journeys.”
Patel added: “Working with our allies and partners, we can better enhance our law enforcement co-operation, crack down on organised gangs and tackle illegal migration across the continent. Working together, and by sharing intelligence and expertise, we can continue to keep our citizens safe.”
Improvement in understanding
Those nations involved in the G6 have agreed to improve their understanding of how criminal gangs – such as those behind Channel crossings – operate such that Governments are better armed to stop them.
Ministers have also agreed on the requirement for greater co-ordination and a global response to ensure that there’s no safe space for terrorists or those who would sexually exploit and abuse children to operate online, including by addressing those issues caused by end-to-end encryption.
During the meeting, the Home Secretary was joined by the National Crime Agency’s director general Lynne Owens and Matthew Rycroft, Permanent Secretary at the Home Office.
Italy will be hosting the G6 meeting in 2022.