Brian Sims

HID Global introduces mobile credentials in Google Wallet

TRUSTED IDENTITY solutions provider HID Global (working in partnership with Smart Spaces, an award-winning developer of smart building software, and Cohesion, a comprehensive smart building software platform that reimagines the connection between people, systems and buildings) has signposted the availability of mobile credentials in Google Wallet, allowing end users to access buildings, spaces and systems with their Android devices.

Adding mobile credentials in Google Wallet affords employees, tenants and guests easy access to everyday spaces and business systems. They now have a secure mobile credential to open a door, access a lift or release a print job, simply by holding their Android phone near to a reader.

Adding to the security of Seos, mobile credentials in Google Wallet take full advantage of the privacy and security features built into Android phones. Additionally, mobile credentials in Google Wallet are compatible with Signo and iCLASS SE readers, which are ‘Wallet-ready’.

Sanjit Bardhan, vice-president of mobile solutions at HID, noted: “By adding mobile credentials in Google Wallet, users can access everything from turnstiles and lifts to certain floors within a building and even computer and printer networks.”

With mobile credentials in Google Wallet, company badges can be distributed remotely across organisations to reduce spending on physical cards, printers and administrative space. System set-up for end users is both quick and easy.

*Further information is available online at

Company Info

HID Corporation Ltd

Dukes Court
Duke Street
GU21 5BH

0049 6123 791 203

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