Brian Sims
Brian Sims
SECURITY MATTERS has launched a fortnightly Security Matters Podcast for practising professionals in the security industry. Each episode features a round-up and analysis of the biggest news stories published on the magazine's website in addition to interviews with selected practitioners.
The inaugural Security Matters Podcast includes in-depth interviews with Alex Carmichael, CEO at the Security Systems and Alarms Inspection Board (SSAIB), and Nick Whitehouse, commercial manager at ABL (Aluminium Components) who look after the TruGuard perimeter protection solution.
For his part, Alex Carmichael tells us all about how the SSAIB is managing its ongoing business projects while operating under the Government-imposed COVID-19 lockdown scenario, while also highlighting the importance of third party certification. There's also discussion about the hugely important drive for 'key worker' status for security personnel orchestrated by the SSAIB and other sector bodies including the British Security Industry Association and the National Security Inspectorate.
With many business premises empty at the present time, is there a sense that this is bringing perimeter security into sharper focus and, if so, in what ways? What does current thinking in perimeter protection look like? Nick Whitehouse addresses these questions and more.
You can listen to the inaugural Security Matters Podcast - which is kindly sponsored by The Security Event - for free on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube or Podbean. To download the podcast on Spotify or iTunes, all you need to do is enter 'Security Matters' into the platforms' search box. Alternatively, you can listen to the Security Matters Podcast online at https://securitymatters.podbean.com/ or via the dedicated Security Matters YouTube channel by clicking here.
*If there are any particular topics you would like us to cover on future editions of the Security Matters Podcast (which will be live on Wednesday every fortnight from today) please do contact us. You can do so on Twitter by using the hashtag #SecurityPod or send an e-mail direct to bsims@westernbusiness.media
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