Brian Sims
Brian Sims
EARLY MAY witnessed the inaugural gathering of the volunteer assessors who are the lifeblood of the admittance process for the Register of Chartered Security Professionals. Generously sponsored by Corps Security and hosted at the company’s London headquarters, it was Corps Consult executive director Mike Bluestone CSyP FSyI’s idea to bring the assessment team together for an informal social evening in recognition of their efforts and results.
Attendees included mentors, document assessors, essay assessors, interviewer assessors and members of the Independent Appeals Panel and Registrar Panel. They were joined by Ian Dyson QPM DL (the new chair of the CSyP governing body), Don Randall MBE CSyP (one of the key originators of the Register on behalf of The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals) and Julie Nel MA MSyI (chair of The Security Institute, which handles all applications to the Register on behalf of The Worshipful Company).
The Register is fortunate to have so many CSyPs willing to donate their time and share their knowledge and experience to assist individuals in applying to be admitted. For applicants, there are forms to fill in, evidence to compile, in some cases essays to research and write, and there’s always the necessity to attend a professional interview with three trained interview assessors.
The assessment process – which also includes background checks and references – is looking for confirmation that the applicant is having a strategic impact and is proficient in security knowledge, puts that knowledge into practice, harbours excellent communication and leadership skills and
shows a personal commitment to ongoing learning while always offering support for others.
At the gathering, Mike Bullock (CEO of Corps Security) made sure everyone felt welcome, while Air Marshall Chris Nickols CB CBE DL (chair of Corps Security’s Board of Directors) spoke of his admiration and respect for the Register and its vitally important place in the professional security sector as the ‘Gold Standard’ for professional certification and recognition.
As Registrar of the Register, Mike Bluestone CSyP FSyI commended – and paid tribute to – all of the volunteers along with the dedicated administration team at The Security Institute for their hard work and declared that all the volunteers would be receiving Certificates of Appreciation for their selfless commitment.
Maintaining recognised standards
The Register of Chartered Security Professionals is a professional register launched in 2011 and mandated in The Royal Charter granted to The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals in 2010. The Register is administered by The Security Institute on behalf of The Worshipful Company.
The mission of the Register is to maintain internationally recognised standards of competence and commitment in protective security for the public benefit and to certify qualified practitioners in the field as Chartered Security Professionals.
Chartered Security Professionals are required to demonstrate five core competency skill sets focused on security knowledge, practical application, communication, leadership and professional commitment. On an individual basis, all need to be individually making a strategic impact to the development of security practice.
*Further information is available online