Brian Sims

‘Operation Benchmark’ introduced in bid to root out training malpractice

ACROSS THE last nine months, the Security Industry Authority (SIA) has been working diligently alongside Ofqual and the Awarding Organisations of SIA licence-linked qualifications in order to address concerns focused on training malpractice. Improvements are now going to be made under the banner of ‘Operation Benchmark’.

The proposed improvements will afford confidence that those who hold SIA licences have achieved their licence-linked qualifications in the proper and expected manner.

Under the banner of ‘Operation Benchmark’, the key elements of the regulator’s proposals include:

*the creation of a new group including representation from Awarding Organisations and UK qualification regulators designed to strengthen the strategic approach to rooting out training malpractice

*formalising and improving information sharing with Ofqual, which includes setting out shared requirements and expectations

*an increase in SIA inspection activity in response to a rise of reports on alleged training malpractice

*a review of SIA investigation and prosecution powers to use in appropriate circumstances

*the introduction of improved methods for reporting training malpractice for the private security industry

*ensuring that the SIA, Awarding Organisations and qualifications regulators act efficiently to quickly investigate allegations of malpractice

*improvements in the flow of information to ensure that any concerns raised are acted upon quickly and robustly in order to reinforce trust and confidence in this key area

*a series of summit meetings with Awarding Organisations and training providers involved to ensure all those privy to the delivery of qualifications play a role in ensuring that those qualifications are delivered properly

Statutory regulator

The SIA is, of course, the statutory regulator of the private security industry. It does not regulate qualifications and has no powers regarding training delivery. Powers to regulate qualifications by approval, monitoring and sanction of Awarding Organisations are vested with the qualifications’ regulators.

An overhaul of current arrangements alongside partners is essential: the SIA cannot do this alone. The regulator is pushing the boundaries of its remit to the limit with the activities now being undertaken.

“The changes we are proposing are designed to ensure a more streamlined and joined-up approach to tackling training malpractice across the private security industry,” explained Paul Fullwood, the SIA’s director of inspections and enforcement. “They reflect a collaborative effort with the UK qualification regulators and the qualification Awarding Organisations to address the issues identified with the consistency of the quality of qualifications delivery.”

Fullwood continued: “The public safety role played by SIA licence holders means that the quality and integrity of the training they receive at the start of their career is critical. We all need to be confident that those who hold SIA licences receive the correct entry level qualification. Combating training malpractice requires a concerted effort from all parties involved. This new Action Plan reflects the robust steps being taken to combat training malpractice, fraud and criminality, all of which undermine public safety.”

Value of good training

The SIA fully recognises the value that good training providers bring. Good training providers deliver training that helps to keep the public safe and can save lives. “Please help us and our partners to root out any training malpractice in the sector,” urged Fullwood.

*If you have concerns about a training provider, the SIA urges you to report those concerns. Find out how to report potential training malpractice

**The SIA will continue to provide updates on its progress as and when appropriate. More information concerning the parties involved in delivering SIA licence-linked training is available online via the regulator’s dedicated Learn about SIA licence-linked training page

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