Brian Sims
Brian Sims
THE NATIONAL Crime Agency has renewed an appeal to the UK maritime industry to beware of organised crime groups targeting constituent companies and operations in a bid to obtain small boats for people smugglers.
The appeal is backed by a new social media and leaflet campaign, supported by Border Force and the charity Crimestoppers, which spells out the warning.
Some of the signs sellers are being told by the NCA to look out for include:
*buyers looking to pay in cash
*repeat or bulk purchases of boats or equipment
*a lack of concern about the condition of the boat or equipment being purchased
*buyers wanting to complete transactions quickly, cheaply or without a designated delivery address
Additionally, the NCA is asking vendors to report unusual purchases of untreated plywood boards, PVC tarpaulin sheets and duct tape. These materials are often used by people smugglers to reinforce or otherwise modify inflatables used in attempted crossings.
In December last year, the NCA warned that crime groups were using ever-more dangerous and un-seaworthy boats in efforts to smuggle people across the Channel, thereby increasing the risk posed to life.Boat owners are also being asked to take extra security measures to protect their vessels and equipment and report suspicious behaviour in the wake of cases of theft or attempted thefts of boats and equipment.
People smuggling
NCA deputy director Andrea Wilson commented: “As the weather starts to improve, making small boat crossings more likely, we’re taking this opportunity to reinforce our appeals to those within the marine and maritime industries to help us stop those involved in organised people smuggling.”
Wilson continued: “Crossing the channel in these types of vessels is extremely dangerous, but the criminals involved don’t care about safety. They just see people as a commodity to be exploited. Tragically, in the last year alone we’ve seen the fatal consequences of that.”
Further, Wilson observed: “Appeals like this one are an important part of our activity to disrupt these gangs and go hand-in-hand with law enforcement activity designed to stop them. We continue to work with partners to target the supply of these vessels, but we need the help of those in the UK maritime industry and coastal communities to do that. I would ask them to report any suspicions that they may have.”
Continued partnershipLesley Robinson, CEO of British Marine (the Trade Association for the UK leisure, superyacht and small commercial marine industry) commented: “We are pleased to be continuing our partnership with the NCA to help raise awareness of organised crime linked to the supply of small boats and highlight the steps businesses and boat owners should take to protect themselves and others.”
Robinson went on to state: “As a Trade Association, safety is at the heart of what we do. I’m confident that our members will continue to take the lead in this area by reporting suspicious activity and familiarising themselves with the ‘red flags’ to be mindful of when selling boats and marine equipment.”
“Vitally important” campaign
According to Robinson, this is a “vitally important” campaign from the NCA. “I would encourage all leisure marine businesses and boat owners to report any signs of suspicious activity and take additional security measures designed to prevent them becoming the victims of theft.”
Tom Pursglove MP, Minister for Justice and Tackling Illegal Migration, concluded: “There are safe and legal routes available for people who need to come to the UK. Criminal gangs should not be risking people’s lives by attempting to cross the Channel by small boat. We’re doing everything that we can to disrupt their dangerous operations. Our close work with the maritime industry and partners such as the NCA is fundamental in breaking the business model of the heinous criminals gangs behind these dangerous crossings who are profiteering from vulnerable people.”