Brian Sims
Brian Sims
THE NATIONAL Crime Agency (NCA) has published its Annual Plan for 2022-2023, which sets out the organisation’s priorities for the year ahead and how it will deliver them. The NCA leads the UK’s fight to cut serious and organised crime, protecting the public by targeting and pursuing those criminals who pose the greatest risk.
The National Strategic Assessment of Serious and Organised Crime for 2022 identified the major crime trends which will drive the NCA’s activity over the coming year. Faced with a threat that’s increasingly complex and global in nature, it’s more important than ever that the UK’s response to serious and organised crime is cohesive, effective and targeted against the most damaging threats.
Home Secretary Priti Patel has tasked the NCA to focus on the following strategic priorities:
*protect the integrity of the UK against serious and organised crime groups and networks operating internationally, at the border and online
*dismantle the highest‑harm organised crime groups and networks
*lead and co-ordinate national law enforcement agencies in tackling serious and organised crime within the UK
*intensify work designed to tackle the threat from hostile states, corrupt elites, cyber and economic crime
*play a full role in delivering the Government’s wider strategy of reducing crime and responding to national security threats
Four operational priorities
To deliver against these strategic priorities, Graeme Biggar (director general of the NCA) has outlined four operational priorities for the organisation, duly setting out how we will deliver strong operational performance and build for the future by:
*increasing the NCA’s understanding of – and impact on – the criminals causing the most harm
*strengthening the NCA’s leadership role with partners and the public
*building a workforce that meets the future threat
*improving the foundations upon which the NCA delivers its operations
The NCA remains firmly committed to ruthlessly targeting those organised criminals who exploit the vulnerable, damage the nation’s economy and threaten its communities. The NCA exists to protect the public.
Click here to read the NCA’s Annual Plan for 2022-2023 in full