Brian Sims

Mahbubul Islam appointed deputy chair at The Security Institute

FOLLOWING ON from the beginning of Peter Lavery FSyI’s term as chair at the start of the year, The Security Institute has now confirmed that Mahbubul Islam CSyP FSyI takes on the additional responsibilities of deputy chair for the organisation.

Islam is one of only 200 validated and registered Chartered Security Professionals (CSyPs) and a long-standing member of the Institute. Prior to this new role as deputy chair, he has served on the Board of Directors and, for the last three years, has also been the Institute’s strategic lead for cyber and convergence. Indeed, Islam has played a major role in establishing and developing the Cyber and Convergence Special Interest Group which has delivered a number of successful learning events as well as publishing quarterly Cyber Insights.

Further, Islam represents the Institute within the Cyber Alliance, a collective of organisations that was awarded the UK Government contract to develop and deliver the UK Cyber Security Council, a priority programme of the UK National Cyber Security Strategy.

In this new role at the Institute, Islam will work alongside Lavery as part of the senior leadership team and the Board of Directors to support the organisation’s continued growth and development. His professional background is in IT and security with a particular focus on information security. Islam is currently the Chief Information Security Officer at Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Services, itself a UK Government department.

Contributions and leadership

Speaking about Islam’s appointment, Peter Lavery stated: “I’ve been very impressed with Mahbubul’s contributions to the Board over the last three years and his leadership of the Cyber Convergence Special Interest Group. For more than two years, Mahbubul has led The Security Institute’s contribution to the formation of the UK Cyber Security Council which is due to be launched next month. Apart from co-ordinating the Institute’s volunteers across numerous work streams, he personally led Work Stream 5 on ‘Developing the Profession’.”

Lavery continued: “Mahbubul was an obvious contender for deputy chair of the Institute, and I’m very pleased that he accepted the position. He continues to bring valued experience and sound council to the Institute’s leadership team and will also chair our Audit Committee as the Institute continues to grow and contribute towards societal security.”

Islam responded: “I’m delighted to take on the additional responsibility of deputy chair. It’s great to remain involved with The Security Institute and support the Board as we continue to implement our vision and strategy for our members and partners. Further, being involved with the UK Cyber Security Council’s Formation Project is crucial. The establishment of that body remains a key outcome for The Security Institute as we determinedly drive a converged approach towards the management of security.”

Annual General Meeting

Islam is up for re-election at the Institute’s 2021 Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 21 April and, if successful, will serve for a term of three years on the Institute’s Board of Directors alongside the 14 other voluntary directors who each work on a portfolio surrounding various aspects of the Institute’s growth and development.

The Security Institute is the UK’s largest professional membership body for security professionals with over 4,000 members on its books.

Since 2000, the Institute has been working to promote the highest possible standards of integrity and professional competence in the business of security.

Membership of The Security Institute affords credibility, enhances career prospects, provides a network of excellent contacts and offers Continuing Professional Development opportunities.

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