Brian Sims
Brian Sims
Fiona Rappin explains why your next installation should be an integrated security system
You are on a business trip to a conference in New York. You are about to board your plane when you get a call from your building manager. There was a forced entry in your tech room and all your computers are gone, that’s over £35,000 worth of vital equipment for your business. How did that happen? You have an intruder alarm system and your building manager was aware the intrusion was happening thanks to the alarm detecting a forced entry…You thought you were ready, but were you? How could your security system have worked more efficiently to stop this intrusion in time?
Securing a private or public building is a complex issue. From access control systems to intruder alarms and CCTV, many solutions are available for businesses and individuals in order to secure their premises. In today’s environment, optimal security can only be achieved by integrating security systems to allow everyone’s unique requirements to be met. From boosting productivity to lowering costs, integrating a security system can benefit businesses in many ways.
What is an integrated security system?
An integrated security system allows for a multi-layered security approach and integrates different systems into one solution. Integrating your access control system with your other security systems, such as your intruder alarm system or fire alarm system, helps to consolidate your entire security set-up and response. It gives the building and/or security manager the ability to visualise the entire system in one place and allows them to have a faster reaction time for any type of incident.
Online access control systems integrating with a large range of CCTV and intrusion alarm systems, allow users to experience a fully functional system. It gives users a unified security system, accessible from one easy-to-use online interface.
For example, if your intruder alarm system detects an incident (e.g. a forced access into your tech room), your building manager can then place your building on lockdown (if this feature is available in your access control system) until the intruder is found. Once the police have arrived, your building manager will be able to unlock doors for them as they proceed through the building towards your tech room.
CDVI’s recent ATRIUM / Texecom intrusion alarm integration enables users to benefit from a convenient, reliable and cost-effective integrated security system, managing both access control and intruder alarms. Having only one system running and deciding all alarm permissions via the ATRIUM software and app allows for reduced installation time and on-site labour costs.
Why integrate access control and intruder alarm?
Integration between access control and intruder alarm systems offers significant benefits. It allows users to unlock doors only when the intruder alarm is disarmed.
One clear benefit is the “first man in” function. This feature will only activate the access control system and doors if one authorised staff member is already in the building. For example, if at least one of your department managers has to be in the building before any other employee (potentially for health and safety reasons) the access control system will only let in the building employees once a department manager has already entered the building and deactivated the intruder alarm. The “first man in” function is also helpful in reducing false alarms.
Integrating via IP gives end users the ability to arm and disarm areas via different means. For example, the CDVI integration lets users arm and disarm areas through the Texecom keypad, any readers on the system, the ATRIUM free management software and the ATRIUM free web interface. This flexibility gives end users the ability to control their entire system remotely, cost-effectively and efficiently at any given time. As a general guideline, IP integration between security systems are to be preferred when choosing an integrated security system as the flexibility and security of the overall system will be greater.
Key benefits
• Efficiency – Through the centralisation of all security systems into one, businesses and individuals will gain in efficiency. Online interfaces are easy to use and allow for fast access and effective management of the web-based database, boosting the productivity and efficiency of the security team. If we take our previous example, your building manager now has the capacity to overview both your access control system and intruder alarm. This gave him a faster response time from the moment he realised that an intrusion was taking place to the moment he placed the building on lockdown to avoid this intrusion being successful and computers being potentially stolen.
• Real Time monitoring – Business management teams and individuals are able to see what is happening in their premises instantly and remotely. The ATRIUM web interface allows for real time management and monitoring of users, doors and areas from anywhere in the world and at any time users might need it. Similar to the previous example, the fact that your building manager was able to see exactly what was happening in your tech room as it was happening from one interface thanks to an integration between your intruder alarm systems (forced/unauthorised entry alarm), CCTV (real-time video feed of the intrusion) and access control system (door status monitoring and event logs).
• Cost saving – An integrated security system will offer considerable cost savings. All ATRIUM access control systems come with a free installer software and end user interface, making a cost-effective access control solution part of your integrated security system.
• Remote access – Most online access control systems will offer remote connectivity. Integrating this system with others in an integrated security system will give you the ability to control and manage multiple building management features remotely. CDVI’s ATRIUM system offers a free end user interface, letting you access your system from anywhere in the world and at any time.
Where to start?
Access control systems are a key part of any integrated security system as they provide a way to control and monitor access through one or multiple sites. CCTV and alarm systems can then be added to access control systems supporting integrations and allowing the management of all security systems on one platform, giving end users a fully functional integrated security system.
As access control systems are often the starting point of any integrated security system, it is important to choose the right system for the right installation. For a cost-effective and easy-to-manage system, you should look for an access control provider giving you the following features:
Fiona Rappin is marketing manager at CDVI. For more information visit: www.cdvi.co.uk
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