Brian Sims

Barry Palmer and Dean Haydon appointed to senior roles at TINYg

TINYg – THE global terrorism information network – has made a duo of senior appointments in recent weeks with Barry Palmer MSc (Hons) MSyI and Dean Haydon QPM taking on (respectively) the roles of UK chair and global strategic advisor to the Board of Directors. The latter, of course, includes founder and international chair David Evans and deputy chair Andy Williams FSyI.

In his day job, Palmer (pictured above, left) is director of Group safety and security for Millennium Hotels and Resorts. A member of TINYg’s executive leadership team since 2016 and involved with the organisation for over a decade now, Palmer has also served in the role of head of safety and security at the Tate and as a security manager on behalf of the BBC.

Across the years, Palmer has attended, spoken at and assisted with numerous TINYg conferences and events and also chaired – as well as being involved in – several national and global Boards. He has gained the attentions of senior stakeholders in a bid to drive the organisation’s objectives and realised positive outcomes as a direct result.

Commenting on the appointment, David Evans explained: “We are delighted that Barry will move forward with this new role from 1 November. The team at TINYg wishes him every success in cultivating still further the mission of the organisation, which is to ‘spread the word’ on the very best information and advice in relation to preparing for counter-terrorism initiatives and responding to acts of terrorism.”

Global strategic initiatives

Dean Haydon (pictured above, right) is the former Deputy Assistant Commissioner at the Metropolitan Police Service and senior national co-ordinator for Counter Terrorism Policing.

Haydon brings much to TINYg as an accomplished, versatile and internationally acclaimed executive leader who has continually demonstrated exceptional skills in managing a diversity of teams in addition to a range of portfolios across the country and overseas.

He boasts a proven track record in the fields of risk, crisis and security management having dealt with sensitive, high-risk and pressurised situations, in turn providing both strategic and practical operational leadership through challenging and complex problem solving and critical thinking.

Haydon received Her Majesty The Queen’s Police Medal in February 2019 for services to counter-terrorism in the policing landscape.

Assisting the executive

Also commenting on Haydon’s appointment, David Evans informed Security Matters: “I’m delighted to welcome Dean to the senior team at TINYg. He has been assisting us and involved with the organisation for several years now. This new role allows Dean to assist the executive with realising some strategic global initiatives. I’m sure the TINYg membership will wish Dean well with his endeavours on behalf of the organisation.”

Responding on LinkedIn, Haydon noted: “Thank You, David, and Thank You to everyone for their kind comments. I’m proud to take on the role of global strategic advisor to TINYg and look forward to working with everyone.”

*Further information concerning the work of TINYg is available online at

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